Join us at Citrus High School Due to our Expansion, we’ll meet on Sundays for one service at 10am at Citrus High School.


The Lord is calling us to expand.

Expanding in Prayer

For Calvary to walk in God's destiny for us, we must first expand in prayer. There are six areas of expansion that God has highlighted through Isaiah 54. Each day of the week, pray that you will continue to grow personally, and then pray that Calvary will grow corporately.

Expand Your Legacy

Father, thank You for calling me to reach many people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe my spiritual barrenness is over, and I will joyously fulfill Your plan for my life.

Expand Your Environment

Father, thank You for the authority to grow the kingdom of God in this region. Enlarge my capacity to minister effectively to new people. Grant me intimacy with Jesus in prayer and wisdom for life from the scriptures as I mature in my calling.

Expand Your Influence

Father, thank You that Your light shining through me is increasing. I ask that the impact of Your Spirit moving be felt across this community.

Expand Your Vision

Father, open my eyes to see that You have designed me for this moment. I thank You for Your vision to raise up future generations to magnify Jesus throughout the whole world.

Expand Your Faith

Father, I believe the grace of God has filled every area of my life. Thank You for giving me all things pertaining to life and godliness. By faith, I am a new creation in Christ and have all sufficiency for every good work for the Kingdom of God.

Expand Your Worship

Father, thank You for creating me and bringing me into a covenant relationship with You through Jesus. I exalt You as my redeemer, protector, provider, sacrifice, and savior. To You belongs all power, glory, honor, and praise.

Expanding in Generosity

The Calvary Expansion is a large project that's an opportunity to partner with God through giving as we step into His vision for our church. Prayerfully consider how you are to support this effort financially. As we generously and obediently sow into the Calvary Expansion, we believe God will bless you personally and increase His kingdom corporately.

Expanding Our Capacity

Phase One

On our current 15-acre property, we're extending the Sanctuary Building to the north; this will accommodate the growth we're experiencing in our Sunday Services as we prepare for the new property.

Quick Facts

  • 15-acre property
  • 400 seat sanctuary
  • 3 times the current lobby space
  • Improved restrooms

Phase Two

On a 20-acre property, the Calvary Church Campus will provide a new worship facility housing an 800-seat auditorium, a safe and secure children's wing, a gymnasium, a 100-seat prayer and discipleship room, and more. This new facility will be built to steward what God has called us to be: a pillar church and a well of healing in our community.

Quick Facts

  • 20 acre property
  • 800-seat sanctuary
  • Double the space for children's ministry
  • 100-seat prayer and discipleship room
  • Large and central lobby
  • Multi-function gymnasium
  • Commercial kitchen
  • Offices

Looking Forward

The Calvary Church Campus will host a Holy Spirit-driven K-12 school with three 20,000-square-foot buildings, sports fields, and administrative offices. This school will launch at our Harley Street Campus and grow to fund the construction of its facilities.